Monday, September 30, 2024

Suicide and Mental Health Challenges in the Construction Industry

September is National Suicide Prevention Month – a month to remember the lives lost to suicide...acknowledge the millions more who have experienced suicidal thoughts, and the many individuals, families and communities that have been impacted by suicide. It’s also a time to raise awareness about suicide prevention and share messages of hope.

There has been an extensive focus within the construction industry on safety hazards and how their presence can be reduced to safeguard the physical well-being of employees. However, this attention is often not reciprocated for the protection of workers’ mental health. A survey conducted in 2020 revealed that 83% of construction workers had struggled with mental health issues. As Adrienne Selko reported in EHS Today, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “construction occupations have the highest rate of suicide, as well as the highest number of suicides across all occupational groups. Over 5,000 people working in construction die by suicide each year. That’s five times more than the annual number of job site fatalities.” These statistics represent astounding critical problems in the construction industry that need to be resolved.

The socioeconomic composition of the construction industry is male-dominated and reflects historical conventions and cultural expectations surrounding traditional gender roles that are associated with stereotypes of masculinity. Since the work is physically taxing, a deeply embedded expectation of mental and physical toughness has created a culture that highly values resilience and physical endurance and makes it difficult for workers to admit any type of weakness. Thus, mental health problems have become stigmatized and segued into a phenomenon commonly known as a “silent pandemic,” wherein employees don’t disclose their issues. Sadly, their silence prevents them from getting help and exacerbates their challenges.

Though fewer in number, female construction workers have their own mental health challenges, many of which stem from them being in the minority and therefore feeling isolated. They too are subject to a gender stereotype that not only affects their self-esteem, but also means that they are often subject to verbal and/or sexual harassment, unequal remuneration, and/or limited prospects for career advancement. They often have to deal with linguistic challenges as a result of the predominance of male-oriented language and communication techniques, and the differences in the use of language can lead to a sense of being left out or unacknowledged and make it difficult to communicate effectively. The lack of effective, well-fitted personal protective equipment for women is also a problem, as it not only jeopardizes their physical safety and comfort but also contributes to psychological stress. Added to all of the above is the major stress that can result from trying to balance work and home — a task with which many women struggle daily. The hard nature of construction jobs and the problems they struggle with daily make female construction workers particularly vulnerable to mental health problems.

A variety of stresses and difficulties play major roles in the high incidence of mental health issues and suicides in construction. The first is the industry-wide problem of job instability. Unpredictable employment patterns arise from the fact that construction projects are by nature temporary and dependent on market demands, project timetables, and the economy. Workers routinely switch between projects, which prevents consistency and continuity in their work, and the need to constantly adjust to changing work settings, teams, and project standards can cause emotional strain and lead to instability and upheaval in both their personal and professional lives. Automation has increased levels of apprehension among middle-aged employees who are concerned about the possibility of losing their jobs and a lack of opportunities for advancement, and the rapid advancement of technology has undermined their sense of pride in conventional craftsmanship, resulting in profound mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

The physical demands of construction jobs, such as working at heights, rigorous physical effort, and exposure to inclement weather, can cause physical exhaustion and strain, increase the potential for accident-producing injuries, and add to workers' overall stress levels. The demand for efficient pain management increases when construction workers are hurt, as lack of relief results in persistent discomfort, a lower quality of life, and added stress that impairs their ability to perform their job. Ironically, the process of addressing the pain experienced from injuries may unintentionally worsen mental health issues and result in a complicated interaction between physical and mental health. Thus, it is imperative that workers who suffer pain from on-the-job injuries receive timely and effective medical treatment.

Opioids are often the treatment of choice for pain management due to their effectiveness; however, their psychotropic characteristics put the user at risk for becoming addicted. Construction workers may rely on these drugs for extended periods due to the relief they provide and their need to return to work quickly, and long-term use is linked to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. According to a 2018 survey, 20% of the construction industry’s funding for prescription drugs was for opioids, and 15% of construction workers struggled with problems caused by misusing them. Opioid-addicted men are twice as likely to commit suicide as those who are not addicted, and the interplay between physical harm, pain relief, and psychological difficulties is evidence of the intricate problems that are prevalent in the construction industry.

Employers, companies, and policymakers must prioritize comprehensive mental health initiatives to reverse the alarming trend of increasing mental health challenges and suicides within the construction industry. Training programs tailored to the unique stressors of the construction sector should be initiated to provide employees with the knowledge and skills to recognize signs of mental distress, stress management techniques that are effective for preventing or coping with the problems, and resources for assistance. Equally important is the need to foster a culture of support wherein employees feel safe acknowledging their mental health problems so that they can be recognized and addressed in a timely and effective manner.

A supportive and inclusive workplace culture is essential to mitigating or preventing mental health problems among female workers in the construction sector. Employers can begin by offering training programs that raise awareness about gender-related issues, promote diversity and equality, and address unconscious biases. Establishing clear policies against discrimination and harassment is crucial, as is providing the mechanisms for reporting and addressing incidents promptly. Providing access to mental health resources, including counseling services and support groups, can be instrumental in helping female workers cope with stress and challenges, and creating mentorship programs and networking opportunities specifically designed for women can help build a strong support system and enhance career development. Ensuring that safety measures and facilities cater to the needs of all workers, regardless of gender, contributes to a more comfortable and secure work environment for all.

Establishing employee assistance programs is crucial for promoting mental well-being, as they offer confidential counseling services and resources for employees facing personal or work-related challenges. Ensuring that employees are not only aware of these programs but are also encouraged to utilize them without fear of judgment is essential for their effectiveness. Workplace awareness campaigns can also play a pivotal role in de-stigmatizing mental health issues, and various communication channels can be leveraged to disseminate information, share stories, and provide resources to foster an open and supportive dialogue about mental health, break down longstanding barriers, and promote a culture of understanding.

 Flexible work arrangements are another valuable intervention for accommodating the diverse needs of construction workers. Flexible schedules or remote work options acknowledge the importance of achieving a good work-life balance and provide the support needed for strong mental health.

Leaders within companies play a key role in shaping the culture of the workplace; therefore, it is important that they equip their supervisors and managers with the skills to identify and respond to mental health concerns. Leaders who model healthy work habits and prioritize their own mental well-being lead by example and contribute to a positive workplace culture. Policymakers should be aware of the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being and ensure that safety protocols encompass both aspects. This approach acknowledges the holistic nature of occupational health and contributes to a regulatory framework that fosters a safer and more supportive work environment.

 Regular health screenings that include mental health assessments as part of routine occupational health check-ups contribute to early detection and intervention. By placing equal importance on mental and physical health, companies demonstrate their commitment to the overall well-being of their workforce. Post-incident support protocols are critical for addressing the potential impact of traumatic incidents on mental well-being; thus, companies should develop strategies that provide mental health support to workers after accidents or critical incidents. Source

Friday, September 27, 2024

Challenges Presented By Intraplate Earthquakes

Intraplate earthquakes are a particularly destructive type of seismic activity, which can cause considerable damage to buildings and infrastructure. They can also be difficult to predict compared to other kinds of seismic disturbances. As civil engineers, it is important to consider the challenges presented by intraplate earthquakes in order to ensure that the structures we create are resilient when it comes to this kind of seismic activity.

What is an earthquake?

Earthquakes occur around the world every day. Most of them are harmless, but some can be very destructive. Earthquakes have been recorded for thousands of years. An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by underground rock movement. These movements are called seismic waves and they travel in all directions from the focus or point of origin beneath the Earth’s surface (the earthquake epicenter). Earthquakes occur when stresses within the earth’s crust force rocks to move past each other suddenly and without warning. As these rocks grind against each other, energy builds up until it is suddenly released as seismic waves when one large rock shifts against another. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured on a scale from 1 to 10 with 7 being immense destruction and 10 indicating total destruction. Magnitude does not indicate how deep an earthquake occurs or how large an area it affects; it simply measures how much energy was released at its exact location in space and time.

Mainly, there are two types of earthquakes;

  • Intraplate earthquake, which occurs at the boundaries of tectonic plates but not on a plate boundary itself. These often result from stresses caused by the oceanic lithosphere sinking into the underlying asthenosphere . 
  • Tectonic earthquake, This happens at convergent boundaries between two or more tectonic plates . The plates may collide or one plate may pass over another release the energy. 

What are intraplate earthquakes?

An intraplate earthquake is a type of seismic activity that occurs within the interior of a tectonic plate, rather than at its edge as an interplate earthquake.

The majority of large earthquakes are intraplate earthquakes. Intraplate earthquakes occur in association with faults that are not plate boundaries and involve the deformation and flow of lithospheric plates in response to forces such as mantle convection currents, ridge push, slab pull, subduction thrust loading, accretionary wedge loading, or volcanic activity. Intraplate areas include oceanic ridges and deep ocean basins far from continents. They can also be found inland in regions far from active plate boundaries.

How does an intraplate earthquakes occur? 

An intraplate earthquake is an earthquake that occurs within the interior of a tectonic plate, as opposed to at its edges. Tectonic plates move very slowly (a few centimeters per year), they can build up tremendous stress over time that is suddenly released during an earthquake. Intraplate earthquakes differ from other types in both origin and behavior. They occur several hundred kilometers inside a tectonic plate rather than near plate boundaries. They also do not seem to follow plate boundaries and often move along unusual paths, suggesting that they are not caused by movement along faults but rather by processes different from those active at plate boundaries.

Intraplate earthquakes may be caused by slow deformation of a whole section of a tectonic plate rather than its edges, causing strain to accumulate at depth until it triggers an earthquake. The two Nankai earthquakes that devastated Japan in 1944 were intraplate events caused by such mechanisms: At least part of their epicenter was 660 km from any boundary between two tectonic plates because Japan is part of a single large oceanic plateau divided into various subplates with no clear boundaries between them.

Further, an intraplate earthquake occurs when the forces of crustal movement push one tectonic plate against another. The pressure generated by this collision leads to a sudden release of this stress and results in an earthquake. Intraplate earthquakes are not limited to a single geographic region and occur all over the world, including within continental plates. They can be triggered by local or regional tectonic shifts, as well as other natural mechanisms such as landslides or volcanic activity. Intraplate earthquakes have been occurring throughout history, but scientists have only recently begun to create models that can help them predict where they will occur next. Source

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How Do You Determine the Square Footage of a House?

When you look at a real estate listing, its square footage is one number you’ll likely want to pay attention to. Square footage is an indicator of the overall size of the home, and can tell you whether it will have enough space for your needs. It can also affect the value of a home. A home’s square footage is a great place to start to determine both how much space you need, as well as how much house you can afford.

Wondering what a “typical” home size is? Despite the rise of the tiny house trend, in the United States, the average square footage of a home has been steadily increasing for decades. In 1973, the median new single-family house was 1,525 square feet. By 2010, it clocked in at 2,169 square feet. In 2022, the US Census Bureau found the average was at 2,299 square feet, a 50 percent increase since 1973. Of course, the “average” size of a home will depend on your market. So, too, will the square footage you can get for your buck.

How do you measure the square footage of a house? 

To measure your home’s square footage, first, sketch a floor plan of the interior, remembering to include rooms like hallways. Then, measure the length and width of each room, multiplying the two numbers. Mark down the totals in your sketch. Once you’ve determined a number for each room, you can add up the individual measurements for the total square footage of the entire house. 

What is considered livable square footage?

To accurately gauge whether a certain amount of square footage will work for you, you must ensure that you’re measuring it correctly and consistently. Most commonly, square footage refers to gross living area (GLA), which only includes those spaces in the home which can actually be “lived” in. For example, an unfinished basement and a garage would not be included in a GLA measurement.

Another common standard is to include all space that uses the same heating and cooling system in the home. But there are a few things to note:

  • This typically includes bathrooms, even though you may not spend a lot of time “living” in yours.
  • Stairways and closets will usually be included in the square footage length. 
  • When it comes to porches and other outdoor spaces, they’re usually only included if they use the same heating system as the rest of the house.
  • Pool houses, guest rooms, sheds, and other ancillary spaces that require leaving the main house to access them are treated like garages and are not usually included.
  • Just because a space is not included in a home’s square footage, though, doesn’t mean it’s not valuable, so take that wraparound deck into account when you’re assessing the price of a home. Source

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Home Building: What to Do After Buying Land

Are you thinking to yourself, “I bought land and want to build a house, but what do I do next?” First off, congratulations! You’ve taken the first step towards securing your dream home, and you are now one step closer to move-in day! But, the celebration must be kept to a minimum because you have a lot of work to do! Building a home takes a lot of research, planning, and elbow grease. There are many steps to take in the building process, but all of the hard work is worth it when you’re finally handed the keys to your custom home.

Before the first brick is laid, though, there are a few actions you must take to ensure that the home-building process runs smoothly. Here is a quick breakdown of what to do after buying the perfect piece of land to build a home;

Clear the Land

The type of land purchase determines how involved you must be in the first step of cleaning and clearing the land. If you purchased a piece of land through a home builder, then it is likely that the land is already cleaned, cleared, and ready to begin your home build. At the very least, the land will have been surveyed and deemed fit for building a home. If you have purchased a single plot of land that is not in a neighborhood, in a rural area, or not previously owned by a builder, then the land may need more cleaning and clearing.

The process of cleaning and clearing the land is essential for you to see the raw land. This may involve tasks as simple as mowing, pulling weeds, and tearing out shrubs. Or it may include the process of clearing wooded areas, relocating native plants, leveling out the surface, and more. You can choose to do this work yourself or hire a professional.

Secure Permits

Though the land may now belong to you, there are laws and policies that determine what you can and cannot do with the land. Therefore, it is important that you secure the permits necessary for building your home before you break ground. There are many different types of building permits, such as construction and concrete, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical.

Before any step of construction begins, it is vital to ensure that proper permitting is in place. These permits ensure the quality and safety of the work and structures.

Establish Utilities

Your home will need access to water, sewer, and electricity. Your home’s location determines how simple or complicated the process of installing these utilities may be. For water and waste, if you are in an established city area, it may only involve laying some pipes to connect to the existing system. If you are in a rural area, you may need to operate with a septic tank. For electricity, you must determine how close you are to existing electrical poles, how many electrical poles will need to be added, or if you are eligible for an underground electrical connection.

For all utility services, such as installing a septic system or burying electrical cables, you will need to hire and communicate with a team of professionals.

Consult a Builder

Assuming you will not be doing the building with your own two hands, it is important to find the builder you will be working with quite early in the process. If you purchased the land from a builder, then this step is straightforward, but if you are building on vacant land in an undeveloped or new building area, then you may want to interview and consult with several builders before deciding which crew you will work with. Many builders have established floor plans and will only build what is in their portfolio, while others will build any custom design you lay before them.

Before the building can begin though, a builder must survey the land to determine where structures should or should not be placed and how they can be oriented on the property. Therefore, it is crucial to pick your builder early in the process.

Commission an Architect

Do you have a floor plan picked out? Or perhaps you have a list of must-haves and non-negotiables but do not yet have a blueprint design. If you have custom specifications in mind, you will need to find an architect who can draw up the plans for your builder. Many builders may already have an architect they work closely with or will have pre-designed floor plans that can be shifted for your customizations. Because your builder and architect will have to work together, it’s wise to choose these professionals early and ensure they can work as a team to bring your dream to life. Source

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pros and Cons of an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit)

Real estate trends are constantly changing. Sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. One trend on the rise is the addition of Accessory Dwelling Units. However, you may be more familiar with the terms granny flat, in-laws quarters, or a casita. This trend has become popular in recent years and appears to be here to stay for the foreseeable future.

For many, the additional space greatly benefits their home and investments. But others find that there are more drawbacks than advantages.

Whether you are interested in adding an ADU to your property for extra income or a living space for a family member, it is a good idea to investigate the benefits and how it would fit into your particular circumstances to ensure you get a good return on investment.

Here are a few pros and cons to help answer the question, “Are ADUs a good investment?”

Pros of Building an ADU

There are many different types of ADU, and each has various benefits;

Versatile Space

When you add an ADU to your property, there are many different ways to use the space. They may be attached or detached and can be for your family’s personal use or for business income. An attached option may look like completing a garage conversion to turn unused car space into a fully functioning studio apartment with a kitchen and bathroom for rent or use by a family member. Detached units make an excellent option for a home business office or short or long-term rental property. The opportunities from the additional square footage are vast.


Studies show that having an ADU on your property adds to the value of your home. This is one of the great benefits of adding the additional space to your property. Not every city sees great real estate benefits from ADUs, but in more populated areas, the average home listed with an ADU is priced 35% higher than comparable homes in the same area. The additional value should not be the primary factor you consider investing, but it is definitely an additional benefit.


The most popular reason for building an ADU is the rental income opportunity. Many homeowners use these additional spaces to rent out, either as a long-term annual lease or for short-term rentals, such as with Airbnb or VRBO. Using an ADU as a rental affords homeowners the chance to earn passive income from a property they own and is a great way to bring in extra funds. In populated cities such as Los Angeles, Houston, and Portland, it can be very profitable to use an ADU as income.

Cons of Building an ADU

Though ADUs have many benefits, there are some drawbacks to consider that may affect your decision to build one;

Loss of Space

When using an existing space, such as a garage or backyard area, to construct an ADU, you ultimately suffer the loss of that space. Therefore, you need to consider the repercussions of doing so before deciding to move forward with an ADU. For instance, if you would like to convert your garage, where will you park cars and other vehicles, or store outdoor gear and seasonal items? Likewise, if you decide to build an ADU from the ground up in a side or backyard, you will no longer have use of that space for outdoor recreation, lawn for pets, or for future plans such as putting in a pool or firepit. These circumstances may not affect you, but it is crucial to consider every aspect of how building could affect you.


Building an ADU is a considerable cost. Though you may recoup much or the entirety of the expenses in rental income, you need to make sure that you can afford the cost of an ADU up front and the investment if, for some reason, the rental income does not work out. For instance, the 2020 pandemic considerably affected the short-term rental market for a period of time. Additionally, you must ensure that you can keep up with the expenses of running a rental, such as cleaning costs, repairs, insurance, etc.


If you intend to use an ADU as a rental space, it is vital to consider the effect that may take on your daily life. If your ADU is on the property of your primary residence, you will likely have guests in your space. For instance, even though the ADU has its own entrance, you may have shared spaces such as yards and driveways. Even if your ADU is used as a space for a family member, it is wise to consider how that may change your lifestyle or family dynamic to live in close quarters. Source

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Challenges of Building in Extreme Environments

Architects must take into consideration many different factors when designing buildings. Aside from cost and technical challenges, the specific environment may present architects and engineers with additional issues that can impact the long-term viability of structures and maintenance needs.

Buildings are heavily affected by their environment, with the climate and natural landscape influencing their design along with any available building materials. The landscape can affect the aesthetic design of a building; for example, those built in coastal areas can be designed with large ocean-facing windows to take advantage of panoramic vistas. Buildings in mountainous areas blend in with their surroundings.

Different environments bring different challenges, with hot, cold, and marine environments all presenting unique technical and design problems for architects. This affects the functional design, ventilation needs, insulation needs, shape, seismic design, building materials, building techniques, and aesthetic design.

Marine and Coastal Environments

Around 40% of the world’s population live within 60 miles of coastal areas, with an estimated 200 million living in areas less than 5 meters above sea level. Additionally, rivers are historically areas where humanity has settled due to easy access to fresh water for industry, agriculture, and domestic needs, with many of the world’s greatest cities growing up around rivers, coastal areas, and flood plains.

Architecturally, coastal areas have historically been a mish-mash of buildings with different functionalities since the dawn of civilization, with defensive, infrastructural, and domestic structures all being built to serve a variety of societal purposes.

Water is highly unpredictable, with coastal areas and river deltas prone to flooding during tidal surges and storms. It is the responsibility of architects and planners to design resilient buildings which can withstand the worst environmental damage.

High winds are more commonplace in coastal areas than inland, meaning that structures in these locales need to be built to withstand them. If they are not constructed with appropriate building materials, structures can become affected by weathering and storm damage, with lost tiles a common problem in coastal locations. 

The salinity of seawater can corrode common building materials. Stone and concrete walls can be affected by salt crystallization, whereas steel supports and reinforcement elements can become rusted by saltwater. This requires regular monitoring and maintenance to avoid structural impacts.

Another ever-present challenge is coastal erosion. Even buildings that were historically inland by several miles can be potentially lost due to coastlines receding, with evidence that climate change is speeding up the process of coastal erosion in some areas presenting additional issues for homeowners and planners.

Hot Environments

High temperatures in arid and equatorial zones can significantly impact the design of buildings and residents' living conditions. Designing and building habitable dwellings is a key challenge for architects and planners in hot countries.

Rising global temperatures due to climate change further complicate the challenges facing the architecture sector. Indeed, a 2021 report from the UK’s Climate Change Committee, an independent adviser, warned that 570,000 domestic buildings in the UK are not resilient enough to rising global temperatures, with 1.5 million planned to be built before 2026 suffering from the same problem.

High temperatures cause health problems for residents, with elderly people and those with certain medical conditions particularly vulnerable. Aside from health impacts, high temperatures can cause structural issues such as stress cracking in walls. 2018’s high temperatures in the UK caused severe soil subsidence, affecting 10,000 households.

Buildings can be heatproofed by selecting appropriate building materials, providing ventilation systems, using passive measures such as blinds and shutters, and even painting external walls in light colors. Buildings in traditionally hot countries have used measures like this for centuries.

Whilst efficient, technologies such as air conditioning are energy intensive, with their use linked to carbon emissions and climate change. Furthermore, proper insulation has the dual benefit of reducing winter energy bills.

Cold Environments

Cold environments possess their own unique characteristics and challenges for building domestic structures and infrastructure. There are, for example, logistical problems with transporting building materials, equipment, and workers to remote, cold, and rugged environments. Proper building materials, techniques, and insulation can improve the integrity of buildings and residential health.

Infrastructure such as roads, railways, pipelines, and power plants can experience problems with cold environments, especially if they are built on frozen tundra prone to melting. Rising global temperatures can compound these technical challenges.

Melting permafrost causes problems with ground stability, increasing the risk of landslides and flooding. This causes obvious problems when urban areas and infrastructure are located in these environments, presenting a significant risk to life and economic disruptions.

Additionally, the longer hours of darkness at latitudes in the extreme north or south limit the available construction time, compounding the issues faced by contractors by extremely low temperatures. This makes building structures in these locations difficult and prone to safety issues for workers.

Architects and planners must also consider the impact of new buildings and economic development on the environment. Therefore, a balance must be struck between the needs of local populations and industry, as well as risks to fragile ecosystems and biodiversity. Environmental impacts can be mitigated by new technologies and the efforts of governments, NGOs, and conservation groups. Source

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Role of Structural Engineering in Creating Safe and Spectacular Skyscrapers

Skyscrapers have become the defining features of modern cities that push beyond the limits of engineering and architectural design. Structural engineering plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and success of every skyscraper.

Importance of Structural Engineering

Structural engineering primarily deals with constructing, analyzing, and designing structures such as skyscrapers and bridges to ensure that the structures are stable and safe and can withstand the forces and loads, including seismic loads, wind loads, live loads, and dead loads, and environmental factors encountered by them during their service life.

Under structural engineering, building design involves the creation of aesthetically pleasing, safe, and functional structures. The design commences by understanding the client's needs, considering the conditions of the construction site, and identifying proper structural systems and construction materials to support the building’s form and function. The design process has several steps, including conceptual design, preliminary design, detailed design, and construction. Computer-aided design (CAD) software is utilized throughout the design process to create three-dimensional (3D) models of the building’s structural system to analyze the behavior of the structure under various forces and loads.

In structural engineering, building information modeling (BIM) is utilized to streamline the construction processes, optimize building designs, and visualize the behavior of buildings under various conditions.

Role of Structural Engineering in Skyscrapers

The massive gravitational load exerted by the skyscraper’s weight is the most significant challenge in skyscraper design. Innovative systems are developed by structural engineers to support these loads while ensuring occupant safety. A combination of advanced composite materials, concrete, and steel is typically used in skyscrapers to overcome this challenge. Concrete cores and steel frames can efficiently distribute the weight to provide stability against gravitational forces.

Skyscrapers have to be highly resilient against earthquakes, specifically in regions that are prone to seismic activity. Seismic design principles, such as energy-dissipating devices and base isolators, must be implemented by structural engineers to dissipate and absorb seismic forces/ground motions to protect the occupants and surrounding structures.

The moment-resisting frame construction technique can also be employed to design a skyscraper for earthquake resistance. In this construction type, a series of columns and beams are connected in a manner that allows them to resist the force of the shaking during earthquakes. Moreover, the overall risk of a skyscraper’s collapse due to seismic activity can be reduced by providing redundancy in the structural system.

Structural engineering is crucial for wind-proofing skyscrapers as these extremely tall buildings experience much higher wind forces compared to other buildings as they are flexible and have a large surface area, which causes them to sway or even collapse in a few situations during powerful winds. Thus, structural flexibility and aerodynamics are considered for designing wind resistance. Several modern skyscrapers feature distinct shapes, such as tapered profiles and setbacks, to decrease wind pressure.

One or multiple concrete cores can also be built into the center of the building to prevent heavy swaying. Additionally, dynamic systems such as tuned mass dampers are integrated into skyscrapers to counteract swaying and maintain structural stability during storms.

For example, the Tapei 101 skyscraper in Taiwan consists of one of the largest mass damper systems/Gyroscopic stabilizers in the world, weighing approximately 728 tons to counteract the severe impacts from typhoon winds and seismic activity that can impact the structure. The Gyroscopic stabilizer reduces the overall movement significantly when the skyscraper starts to sway due to these effects to prevent structural failure.

The ground conditions and foundations are other crucial aspects that affect the safety of skyscrapers. Structural engineers determine the appropriate foundation type for a skyscraper by assessing the geotechnical and soil conditions of the construction site. Deep foundations, such as caissons or piles, are primarily selected for these extremely tall structures to support their immense weight and ensure structural stability.

Construction materials heavily influence the design of a skyscraper. Novel materials, such as advanced steel alloys and ultra-high-strength concrete, are used during construction to improve the load-bearing capacity and minimize the amount of material utilized in the structure. Additionally, sustainable materials are increasingly being used for construction due to the growing emphasis of the construction industry on environmental responsibility.

Structural engineering is also important for ensuring the comfort and safety of occupants in a skyscraper. Structural engineers ensure that emergency systems, fire resistance, and escape routes are seamlessly integrated into the building design. They coordinate with architects to create inviting, open spaces that offer panoramic views without affecting the structural reliability of the building.

For example, the Canton Tower in Guangzhou, China, is the fifth tallest freestanding structure in the world, with a height of 610 m. The building contains a torqued steel lattice structure built up from 1100 nodes and a similar amount of connecting bracing- and ring pieces and a reinforced concrete inner structure. Source

Monday, September 9, 2024

What Is Stiffness Of Material?

Stiffness of material is the measure of a material’s ability to return to its original form after being acted on by an external force. It refers to the material’s ability to resist external forces and still return to its original form. These forces include bending, stretching, and other forms of strain. It can also be referred to as the rigidity of a material. This is its ability to resist deformation. Stiffness is closely related to elastic or flexible materials. The more flexible a material is, the lesser the stiffness.

In general, stiffness is the total measure of the amount of deflection caused by the load on the material. Engineers often associate a value known as Young Modulus “E” for Stiffness. Knowing the properties of materials is important for your part design. 

Relationship Between Stiffness and Strength

When it comes to stiffness vs. strength, it is easy to confuse things. It often appears to logic that if a material is stiff, it is strong enough to withstand force and support load without breaking. However, this is not the case as “stronger” does not necessarily mean “stiffer.”

A material’s strength and its stiffness properties are not directly related. This is evident when these materials of varying stiffness and strength properties are exposed to external forces. The properties of the stiff material may allow it to return to its original shape after taking on several forms to take on the force.

On the other hand, a strong material does not change its form. It either resists the force, or it deforms permanently if the force is greater than its tensile strength. This can be confusing to mere logic because resistance to physical deformation is a key part of defining both strength and stiffness. However, the material can break easily if it has low strength. If it has low stiffness, it can deflect a high load.

What Is the Difference Between Strength and Stiffness of Material?

Strength and stiffness are two physical properties of a material. One major difference between them is that stiffness is the ability of an object to withstand stress without breaking. On the other hand, strength is the ability of an object to resist deformation when stress is applied.

Strength measures the stress or force applied to a material before it breaks (tensile strength) or permanently deforms (yield strength). However, stiffness of material defines how a material bends to resist exerted force while returning to its original form upon removing the force. A strong material with less stiffness will break if the exerted force exceeds its tensile strength. The strong material does not change its form. If the exerted force exceeds its strength, it simply breaks, completely losing its original shape.

However, stiff material with less strength will deflect. The deflection helps it to accommodate the force exerted on it. Therefore, it can return to its original shape once the force is removed.

It is important to understand the individual roles of strength and stiffness of material in foundational decision-making. They are highly essential factors in the production of high-end products. This is because the production depends on the materials’ response to applied force or load.  Source

Friday, September 6, 2024

Intelligent Buildings | The Future of Engineered Buildings

Intelligent Buildings, or “smart” buildings, have become increasingly popular in modern engineering projects. By utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence (AI), these structures are proving to be both efficient and cost-effective solutions, with a multitude of benefits for engineers to consider. United Technology Building Systems Corporation coined the phrase “intelligent building” for the first time in the US in 1981. Their efforts paid off around two years later, and the City Place Structure in Hartford, Connecticut (USA), was dubbed the first intelligent building in the world. The original definitions did not take into account the needs of the user, focusing primarily on the technological features. However, more modern definitions also take into account how people interact with one another and with their surroundings.

Installing and utilizing cutting-edge, integrated building technology systems constitutes a smart building. These systems include facility management, telecommunications, user systems, and building automation. Building system convergence and technical improvements, as well as system similarities and the added functionality that integrated systems offer, are all recognized and reflected in smart buildings. To help the building owner or occupant manage the building or space, smart buildings offer actionable information about the building or space within the building.

Intelligent buildings can “learn” the normal patterns of their occupants and can alert security if it detects something different than what is expected. It is required to assess the different security threats that need to be considered while designing an intelligent building and how these buildings can protect occupants and assets. In addition to providing improved security, intelligent buildings can reduce costs for building owners by monitoring and recording energy usage.

A smart building is a particular kind of structure with affordable construction costs, effective energy management, and a comfortable and convenient atmosphere. Its design takes into account the ideal interaction between the structure, system, service, and management. The phrase “smart” building refers to a structure that goes beyond the typical building structure and function by having intelligent control systems and smart, networked gadgets. The modernized sensor-embedded home with a variety of integrated systems was first considered to be the foundation of smart buildings. The system’s internal and external communications were effectively and remotely managed.

One of the main benefits of intelligent buildings is their ability to save energy. By automatically adjusting lighting and temperature based on occupancy and weather conditions, these buildings can reduce their energy consumption by up to 30% compared to traditional buildings. In addition, they often make use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, further decreasing their carbon footprint.

Another advantage of intelligent buildings is their improved security. By integrating security systems with building management systems, these buildings can monitor for potential threats and take corrective action accordingly. This increased security can not only protect occupants and assets but also help to reduce insurance costs.

The biggest challenge facing intelligent building projects is getting the entire team on board the concept. The project may be clear to the building owner but convincing all parties of its value can become difficult.

Intelligent buildings can provide a better overall experience for occupants. By utilizing features such as way finding and indoor mapping, they can help people navigate the building easily and find the amenities and services they need. In addition, these buildings often have better air quality and acoustics, making them more comfortable and pleasant places to work in.

Overall, intelligent buildings offer a multitude of benefits that make them a compelling option for modern engineering projects. With their ability to save energy, improve security, and provide a better experience for occupants, these buildings are sure to play a big role in the future of the built environment.

While the primary focus of intelligent buildings is on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, their impact extends beyond simply saving money. These buildings have the potential to radically transform the built environment, making them more sustainable, secure, and enjoyable for all who live and work in them.

In a future low-carbon economy, where information technology and smart building applications will completely blend and merge, smart buildings are a vital contribution. More and more academics concur that hardware system awareness is necessary for smart building applications. Long-term energy and cost reduction goals for smart building applications will necessitate multi-layer software and hardware adaptability. A significant improvement necessitates the use of new hardware, comprehension of the systemic issue, and collaborative thought. Source

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

What is Rigid Pavement

Rigid pavement is a type of road construction that utilizes a rigid layer as its primary structural component. Unlike flexible pavement, which is made up of multiple layers of asphalt materials, rigid pavements consists of a rigid layer made of reinforced concrete or cement concrete. This type of pavement offers numerous advantages, including durability, strength, and resistance to heavy traffic loads. Rigid pavement refers to a type of road surface that consists of a solid layer of concrete. It is commonly used for highways, airports, and other high-traffic areas due to its ability to withstand heavy loads and provide a durable driving surface.

The rigid nature of the pavement distributes the load from vehicles more efficiently, reducing the stress on the underlying layers and increasing the overall lifespan of the road.

Characteristics of Rigid Pavement

It possesses several key characteristics that distinguish other types of road pavements. Further, Its behavior in certain soil conditions and applications have made more wide use.

Here are a few of the several characteristics; 

Strength and Durability

One of the primary advantages of rigid pavement is its exceptional strength and durability. The concrete layer used in its construction is designed to withstand heavy loads, making it suitable for areas with high traffic volumes. Rigid pavements can endure the continuous stress exerted by vehicles without significant deformation or damage, resulting in a longer lifespan compared to flexible pavement.

Unlike the flexible pavement, there is minimal change in the properties the surface of the road and the running conditions.

Joint Spacing

Rigid pavement includes joints at regular intervals to prevent the occurrence of cracks due to shrinkage and temperature changes. We provide the expansion joints and movement joints for this purpose. These joints allow for controlled expansion and contraction of the concrete slab, minimizing the potential for cracks and ensuring the pavement remains structurally sound.

However, those joints would develop discomfort if they are not properly constructed with the standard construction practices. Further, there are high possibilities of damaging the edge of those joints with the time.

Load Distribution

Rigid pavement efficiently distributes the load from vehicles over a larger area, reducing the stress on the subgrade and preventing premature failure.

This characteristic makes it highly suitable for supporting heavy traffic and loads, such as those encountered on highways and airport runways.


Rigid pavements are relatively thick compared to flexible pavements. They typically have a minimum thickness of 150mm or more, depending on the expected traffic loads.

However, when they are construction on the ground for low traffic with good soil conditions, the thickness may be lowered as 100mm.


It is not mandatory to provide the reinforcement. However, depending on the pavements may be reinforced with steel bars or mesh to further enhance their load-bearing capacity and crack resistance.

Elevated rigid payment constructed on supports such as beams, or any other, will be provided with reinforcement as required by the structural design.


Rigid pavements tend to generate more noise from tire-pavement interaction, especially on high-speed roadways.

Surface texturing and other noise mitigation measures may be employed to reduce noise levels.

Construction Time

Constructing rigid pavements can take longer than flexible pavements due to the time required for concrete curing. Proper curing is crucial for achieving the desired strength and durability.

This bit dependent though it says rigid payment may need more time. Site conditions, ground conditions, ground improvements, etc. faced during the construction of the flexible payments would also cause the delay in the construction.

Advantages of Rigid Pavement

Rigid pavement offers several advantages over other types of road construction:


Due to its robust design and ability to withstand heavy loads, rigid pavements have a longer lifespan compared to flexible pavement.

When properly constructed and maintained, rigid pavements can last for several decades, reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacement.

Load-Bearing Capacity

Rigid pavement is specifically engineered to distribute heavy loads more efficiently. It can withstand the weight of heavy vehicles without significant deformation, ensuring a smooth and safe driving experience even under heavy traffic conditions.

Low Maintenance

Compared to other pavement types, rigid pavements require relatively low maintenance.

Routine inspections, crack sealing, and joint resealing are necessary to prevent deterioration and extend the pavement’s life.

However, the maintenance requirements are generally less frequent and less costly than those of flexible pavement.

Reduced Rutting

Rigid pavements are less susceptible to rutting (longitudinal depressions in the road surface) compared to flexible pavements.

This quality is especially important in areas with high truck traffic.

Resistance to Weathering

Rigid pavements are more resistant to the effects of weathering, such as rain, frost, and temperature fluctuations, which can extend their service life in various climatic conditions.

Applications of Rigid Pavement

Rigid pavement finds widespread applications in various transportation infrastructure projects, including:

Highways and Expressways

Rigid pavement is extensively used in the construction of highways and expressways due to its ability to handle heavy traffic loads.

The durability and long lifespan make it an ideal choice for these high-traffic corridors.


Airports, especially runways, require a pavement type that can withstand the weight of large aircraft and repetitive takeoffs and landings.

Rigid pavement provides the necessary strength and load-bearing capacity to accommodate such conditions, making it suitable for airport construction.

Industrial Facilities

Rigid pavement is also employed in industrial facilities where heavy machinery and equipment are frequently used. The pavement’s ability to withstand the constant load and wear ensures a smooth and safe operation within these environments. Rigid pavement, characterized by its reinforced concrete structure, offers numerous benefits such as durability, strength, and resistance to heavy loads.

Its ability to distribute loads efficiently and withstand traffic stress makes it a preferred choice for highways, airports, and industrial areas. By understanding the construction process, advantages, and applications of rigid pavement, we can appreciate its significance in providing long-lasting and reliable road infrastructure. Source